This page links you to typical sample FDA Enforcement Reports. We have not changed one single word below the top red line on these reports These are actual reports, available to the public, but not well advertised. We could have chosen any report. They all read much the same; problems are normal in any human enterprise! These are Blood and Blood Product RECALLS and WITHDRAWALS. That is, Blood and/or Blood Products already 'tested,' then processed and then in some cases re-processed, AND DISTRIBUTED for use by humans. These are, of course, only the products that were reported, of the Blood Products that were detected as having some possibly catastrophic problem! Take particular notice of the dates, and the States and the Countries involved. We were surprised, and are certain that you will also be amazed. Do we know how much of this Blood and Blood Product was used by humans before the recall? No, we know of no source for that information at this time. Please look at the recalled blood products, shown in the reports in BOLD RED, and the reasons stated for the recall, also displayed in BOLD RED. In the United States, we utilize the 'honor system' for blood donor screening, which depends on the blood donor telling the truth about all of their serious medical problems and sexual liaisons. In most of the cases shown in these reports, in spite of the donor raising the red flag as being not acceptable as a donor, THE BLOOD WAS COLLECTED ANYWAY! In some other cases, the problem was apparently clerical. Cities, States and Countries are highlighted in RED (not bold). You can look at the weekly FDA Enforcement
Reports HERE. Do a word search on the words; blood, plasma,
or platelet, or your area to help speed up the process
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