We present here two different formats of the Blood Test Order Form from two different companies. We have removed the names of the companies and other identifiable and personally identifiable information, for obvious reasons, Other than that, the forms are exactly as you will see them when your physician fills it out, ordering your Blood tests. We present these forms because we here at BloodBook.com firmly believe that you have every right to examine and to fully understand the services for which you are paying. If you have an opportunity to review these complex forms before you see them as your physician flashes them past you, you will be able to ask more informed questions about your Blood and the tests that can be performed. On the reverse side of each form is the required Advance Beneficiary Notice. There is more about that form HERE and below. Presented here in small (appx. 30 KB), fast loading versions, are typical Blood test order forms. Click on either image to view a near actual size image which can be more easily read. With a modem, the larger images will take a while to load since they are over 100 KB. As your Blood test is ordered and before the
work can begin, you are required to sign an Advance Beneficiary Notice. You see this
required signature block on the front side of each form. We have a detailed explanation of
the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) HERE
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