When it comes to Blood testing we all would like to find out how we stand on important health issues such as diabetes, cholesterol, cancer, thyroid problems, arthritic factors, or other health related conditions which could adversely affect our lives or kill us. All of these can be defined by a personal Blood test. Many cases of serious disease exist and remain undiagnosed that seriously affect our quality of life. Many of these conditions can be corrected or improved through a simple course of treatment once they have been discovered by a quick and inexpensive Blood test. There are Blood tests for diabetes, Blood tests for cholesterol, Blood testing for cancer, Blood test for thyroid problems, Blood tests for arthritis and arthritic factors, or Blood testing for other health related conditions. Others may be concerned about the possibility that they may have been exposed to a condition that may be considered sensitive or private. They would like to privately and/or anonymously test for such conditions as AIDS/HIV, drug use indications, sexually transmitted diseases, or hepatitis (types A, B, and C), among others. Free Blood testing and Blood test discount coupons. In this day and age, people can be adversely affected by a disease whose effects could have been prevented if their Blood were tested from time to time. When a Blood test reveals an abnormality, corrective action can often be taken early enough to prevent the development of a serious disease. There are several major categories of Blood testing, and there are differing reasons for having our Blood tested. Unfortunately, there are reasons why we do not get our Blood tested. Often cited is the high cost of Blood testing, which keeps many of us from discovering risk factors that could predispose us to developing a serious, and in many cases preventable, disease. The second, and most often the overriding reason, is that we simply do not know how or where to get tested. Personal Blood testing is good, and does not have to be expensive, nor must it be a great hassle when we are properly informed. Blood test privacy is important. After testing, when you get your Blood test results back, you will definitely have questions. The first question that comes to mind is; "What does all of mean?" And next; "What does this mean to me?" Interpretation of your Blood test results should be carefully reviewed with your physician, or a licensed nutritionist knowledgeable about the specific Blood tests and familiar with your condition, medication and needs. Low cost Blood testing and Blood test discount coupons. If your tests reveal significant abnormalities, then you must see your physician. You may be headed for trouble. In some cases there may simply be a mistake in the testing and sampling procedures, the testing process itself, of even in the transcription of the results. Only your health care specialist can say for certain. Schedule Blood testing and get FREE Blood test discount coupons. One more thing, the very important subject of selecting a Laboratory. The laboratory must be on a list of accredited laboratories, or in the United States Department of Health and Human Services Directory Testing Laboratories. Now, let's take a look at Blood tests. Men and women are different, and, therefore, require different Blood tests! Your physician will explain the differences and their implications. Often you must ask your busy physician specific questions. Before you can ask the question, however, you must know what question to ask.
Following here are suggestions recommending minimums for personal Blood testing. The first, an ABO Blood Type Test is the bare minimum, and will tell you of your Blood type, and basic Rh factors. In an emergency, knowing your Blood type can make the difference between life and death.
DNA Genealogy and Anthropology Testing - DNA research on full-blooded indigenous populations from around the world has led to the discovery and documentation of genetic markers that are unique to populations, ethnicity and/or deep ancestral migration patterns. The markers having very specific modes of inheritance, and which are relatively unique to specific populations, are used to assess probabilities of ancestral relatedness. Available services include: Ancestral Heritage DNA testing, Native American DNA Verification, Y-Chromosome DNA Testing and mtDNA Sequence Analysis. Visit our other Blood test related pages for more information on Blood Testing.
The Basic Test that Everyone Should Have
Following here is an outline of a 'CBC Profile.' These tests analyze over 30 important Blood parameters. The test results will reveal many facts about your health, and when properly reviewed and interpreted, can be used as a guide for your way of life. The chart outlines recommend test components that we include in our: Recommended Annual
Blood Test Series.
What will these tests show?
OTHER IMPORTANT BLOOD TESTS PREMARITAL BLOOD TESTING: In the United States, Premarital Blood Testing is no longer required in every state. The test was formerly required to ensure that you and your betrothed were free of venereal disease, chiefly syphilis. Nearly one third of the states have now repealed the requirement on the grounds that the handful of cases of VD detected does not justify the high cost. In the 'old days,' we, more often than now married someone from our community, known to us and to our family. This is, now, seldom the case. We see Premarital Blood Testing as a good idea, and here we recommend, for good reason, some more testing. In the world as it now exists, we NEVER know the actual 'health' of Blood and its contents without testing. Remember that Blood transfusion that you had after the skiing accident as a child; or the forgotten casual contact that your partner may have had that one night, about which he doesn't remember too much? All of our Blood problems, all of our spouses' Blood problems, and all of both sets of parents' Blood problems may well be passed along to our children. Many of these unseen disasters could be prevented or exposed by a simple Blood test, and in some cases, while you are getting to know your new mate, other types of tests. This is a really great time and can be used as a good excuse to have a really complete Blood test. Very important are tests for various strains of Hepatitis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes Simplex (HSV), and yes that old Syphilis. There are, however, other important reasons for Premarital Blood Testing. The Rh factor was first isolated from rabbits inoculated with rhesus (hence Rh) monkey Blood. It turns out that 85% of the population tests positively for the Rh antigen in their red Blood cells (i.e., they are Rh-positive.) The other 15% are Rh-negative. If you are an Rh-negative female and your husband is Rh-positive, as revealed by a Blood test, you run the risk of having an Rh-positive child. If so, you would produce antibodies against your own child's Blood. The first child might well be anemic, and a second or third might well die in-utero or soon after birth (erythroblastosis fetalis). If you are planning to have children, it is very important to know if you are Rh-positive or negative so that proper, proven and practical precautions may be taken.
Other Recommended Premarital Testing: While we are on the subject, and while the love and the money are flowing, we suggest some other beneficial tests:
testing of the ABO, Rh and MN groupings does not constitute parentage Blood testing.
Parentage Blood testing discloses the presence of specific antigens indicating particular
genetic composition or "markers." The statistical analysis of the Blood test
results provides a likelihood of paternity if the putative parent is not excluded. Any
parentage Blood testing of a child, mother and father should involve a hierarchy of
systems to establish the relative chance of paternity based on the probability of
exclusion. That means that if a putative parent is not excluded by the basic red cell
antigen test, further testing of the sample will be conducted until the putative parent is
excluded or a likelihood of parentage can be calculated with an inclusion rate considered
valid under the AMA/ABA Guidelines. Parentage Blood tests include the basic red cell
antigens, extended red cell antigens, red cell enzymes and serum proteins, and white cell
enzymes. If the test results are inconclusive, the complete series of testing may be
necessary, including testing of white cell antigens (Human Leukocyte Antigens or HLA).
Electrophoresis testing of the red cell enzymes and serum proteins and HLA testing are
highly sophisticated procedures that generally can be conducted only at a laboratory
involved in organ transplant donor identification. HIV-1 HOME TESTING KIT - SELF TEST KIT - HIV-1 testing kits are now on the market and becoming very popular. There are more than a dozen home test kits for HIV advertised as available. However, only the Home Access test system is approved by the FDA and legally marketed inside the United States, and for some longer time outside the United States. The new Home Access test is made up of several components, including instructions and materials for specimen collection and a mailing envelope to send the gathered specimen to the designated laboratory for analysis. The home test kit also includes pre-test and post-test counseling. This FDA approved system uses a simple finger prick process for home Blood collection. You will send in the result including dried blood spots on the included special paper. These dried Blood spots are then mailed to a designated laboratory with a confidential and anonymous personal identification number (PIN), and there each is analyzed by qualified technicians in a certified medical laboratory using the same procedures that are used for samples that are taken in a doctor's office. The results are then obtained by the purchaser through a toll free telephone number using the assigned PIN. At this point, post-test counseling, if desired, is provided by telephone when the Blood test results are obtained. The advertisers of the unapproved HIV home HIV Blood test kits claim that the presence of a visual indicator, such as a red dot, within 5 to 15 minutes of taking the test shows a positive result for HIV infection. These unapproved test kits use a simple finger prick process for home blood collection or a special sponge device for saliva collection. The blood or saliva sample is then added to a plastic testing device containing a special type of paper. A developing solution is added to determine if the sample is positive for HIV. The samples are not sent to a laboratory for professional analysis. Although this approach may seem faster and simpler, it may provide a less accurate result than can be achieved using an approved test, which is analyzed under more controlled conditions than is possible in the home. FETAL BLOOD TESTING : Usually this test is performed to obtain information about fetal acid-base balance (Blood pH). This is a strong indicator of fetal distress, and low Blood pH directly correlates with low APGAR scores (a test that measures how well your baby is doing directly after birth). Therefore, it is the goal of your health care provider to avoid fetal distress, and this test provides direct and measurable results. The test may also be used to measure fetal Blood gases. This test may not be advisable if you have had a premature rupture of membranes (water broke prematurely,) or if you have an active cervical infection. If one or both of these conditions exist, the fetus could be unduly exposed to infection by the procedure. For most deliveries and pregnancies this test is not necessary; however, when this test is indicated, it is essential. A low pH and decreased oxygen saturation indicates fetal distress and need for immediate delivery![]()
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