As we state in the first few lines of the home page, you are visiting a web site that is dedicated to the exchange of accurate information about your Blood, and about Blood disorders, Blood tests and Blood testing, Blood test results and interpretation of those Blood tests, Blood compatibility, the different ways to donate Blood, Blood transfusion, Blood storage and Blood safety. We aggregate and provide information about your Blood. Bloodbook.com is not qualified to give medical advice. Only a licensed physician can advise on matters pertaining to your health. The carefully researched information presented here on BloodBook.com and others of our family of web sites is designed to support the relationship that exists between you and your physician. So much for why. Now a word about the "who" part of BloodBook.com. We at BloodBook.com are divided into three teams: the Administrators, the Researchers, and the Techies. This arrangement is pretty conventional with one outstanding exception: the Researchers are single-minded and absolutely dedicated to increasing the public understanding of facts about Blood. That is, presenting the quality content on that subject in a way that is easily understood by the average person. The rest of the team also has that dedication to communication and excellence. All of us here share a common desire to know the facts about human Blood that may have an affect on our quality of life. Blood and Blood related topics are fascinating; Blood related 'facts' seem to change every week; sometimes substantially. The questions pile up. We feel that accurate answers to questions about Blood must be made readily available to the general public. In the United States as well as in some other countries, there is also a political tug of war raging around Blood. At BloodBook.com, we choose no political side..... we strive to objectively reveal all of the facts as we find them, in order that everyone have a better life. There are some excellent books on the subject of Blood. We have a recommended reading list HERE. These books guide the seeker in making a list of pertinent questions. Knowing good questions prepares us to recognize good answers. Since the early to mid 1980's, when stories related to HIV were in the news daily, there seemed to be some things that we were told, and some other things that we found out. The difference is subtle, but all of us here at BloodBook.com had the feeling that we were never getting the whole story. Over these intervening years we have studied extensively on the subject of human Blood, and we, too, have observations and opinions. We believe that all accurate information about the Blood supply, which is donated and provided by the public, should be public information. Further, we believe that the information should be presented in such a way that it is easily understood by non-technical, average people (the same people who are expected to give [GIVE] their Blood when asked). In a nutshell, late in 1988, we decided to begin putting our research into a book on the subject. Then, along came the internet..... Welcome to BloodBook.com. BloodBook.com and its sister web sites are now part of a free information service devoted to human Blood. These web sites feature quality information that can put us all on the path to a longer, healthier life and more..... and all for free! We are dedicated to accuracy. Please let us know where we may be deficient. BloodBook.com Navigation help is available HERE! If you have a comment about BloodBook.com..... please click HERE!If you need some help,
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